The Environment


The Environment

The Environment is the current state of being in harmony with Mother Nature. It also has to do with the living condition of humans in relation to the natural environment. In other words, environmental issues are concerned with aspects such as ecosystems, sustainability, preservation, and adaptation. This includes both human activities and the environment in general. The combination of these factors results in a sustainable environment where the changes brought by human actions do not have negative effects on the environment in the long run.

There are different arenas that are considered in the study of environment. One is the global environment, which refers to the totality of the natural environments on earth including human systems and their interactions. Another is the human environment, which is essentially the economic, social, technological, and cultural aspects of humans and their interaction. These two domains of environment are often interrelated as the study of both requires a comprehensive assessment of the environment.

A successful approach to environmental management needs to consider all perspectives. An effective planning process should first involve an assessment of the current state of the environment and assess what can be done to change this. Next, an action plan should be developed for the management of the changes that need to be made. It should also entail a monitoring and evaluation procedure to determine the status of the implementation and evaluate its results. The final analysis will be used to prioritize future work that will need to be done to improve the state of the environment.