What Is the Economy?

An economy is a space of collective production, distribution, and exchange, and the interaction of different agents with each other. In economic theory, the term ‘economy’ refers to the total sum of values that a society collectively provides for its members. By ‘economy,’ one generally means the total production of all the resources available to a community in the process of consumption. The distribution of wealth is also considered to be part of the economy, together with its use and allocation. In addition, the term economy is also used to define the relationships among economic units, such as individuals, groups, communities and nations.


The most basic definition of economics is that it is the study of the methods of allocation of scarce resources among economic units. In addition, economies are spaces of generalized production and circulation of goods and services on the market. In simple terms, economies are the places where goods and services are produced and traded. The goods and services produced within economies are traded between various producers in an open market. More advanced economies are characterized by complex systems of production and circulation, including a market for financial transactions.

Economies, as far as human beings are concerned, are nothing but systems of interpersonal exchange based on secured access to the goods and services that each person needs and demands. The production process itself is nothing but the process of meeting the demand of the buyer. Within the broad range of economics, there are five distinct sub-disciplines, including microeconomics, macroeconomics, economic geography, personal economics and public economics. A properly conceived economy seeks efficient operation of a number of interacting economic units, in pursuit of its overall goal of meeting the needs and desires of the marketplace.

Main Article: Business Law and the Legal Facades of Businesses


Main Article: Business Law and the Legal Facades of Businesses

The word business normally refers to an entity or organization engaged in professional, commercial, or agricultural activities for profit. Business types can range from very small local enterprises to international multi-national corporations. Business ideas for new ventures can come from a wide range of fields including the arts, technology, financial services, and more. Business success hinges on the entrepreneur’s ability to identify and target his or her unique market niche. In order to succeed, a business needs to have a plan and be focused on generating the highest return on investment possible.

There are various tools that a business can use to effectively manage its business operations. Business strategic planning requires understanding the goals and objectives of the company as well as an understanding of how it will generate and distribute revenue. Successful companies develop intricate plans that allow them to weather changing market conditions. A key component of business strategy is developing relationships with both creditors and vendors by creating strategic partnerships as well as working capital management schemes.

Business law refers to the subject of corporate law that governs specific aspects of businesses. The main article briefly discusses the basics of business law as well as provides some important resources for those interested in pursuing a career in business administration or law. Business law is made up of several sub-groups such as corporate law, employment law, property law, intellectual property law, government regulations concerning businesses, and licensing laws. There are also issues that affect smaller businesses, such as issues regarding worker’s compensation and minimum wage laws. This article provides an overview of the topics that business law addresses.

The Environment Within Us and All the Environments Around Us

Environmental science is the study of how living things affects the environment. An area of science that studies how changes in the environment can affect human beings is called the environment science. The environment science mainly deals with how changes in the environment can affect the people living in those areas.


The environment science essentially deals with the study of the biotic and abiotic factors that exist in and around the environment. The biotic factors refer to the things that exist in and on the environment whether they are living or non-living. The abiotic factors include the physical characteristics of the environment including its composition, temperature, geographical distribution, topography, and other physical features.

The study of the environment also deals with the study of the earth’s atmosphere. The atmosphere of the earth is mainly made up of gases and other gasses emitted by living organisms. These gasses are usually transported through ventilation system to be distributed all over the earth’s surface. The atmosphere of the earth is also affected by the sun’s radiation, clouds, and other external factors. These effects of the environment form the base of climatic science which studies the interaction between living organisms and the environment in general.

What Is An Economy?

A country’s economy refers to the ways in which production, processing, distribution, consumption and investment are arranged and managed. An economy is generally defined as a sphere of interaction, the production, processing, distribution, consumption and allocation of products and services, by various agents. In simple terms, it can be said that an economy is ‘a community of interacting economic activities’ or rather ‘a system of interacting economic systems’. The concept of economy has occupied the minds of numerous intellectuals, economists, sociologists, political scientists, engineers and other interested parties. Since time immemorial, the idea of economy has been recognized and has had various applications both in the domestic as well as in the international field.


As far as the analysis of an economy goes, there are three basic categories of economies. The first one is called the Steady-state economy. This type of economy enjoys economic growth and has a level of inflation; however, the level of growth is considered to be appropriate and proportional to the level of consumption and investment. The second category of economies is called the Systemic Economy. In this case, growth in the economy depends on the accumulation of capital, on increasing productivity, on enhanced technology, on government policy and on international trade.

The third category, which is perhaps the most interesting in the sense that it involves a mixture of economies, is called the Hybrid economies. These economies experience growth, but are capable of increasing or decreasing the rate of growth depending on the condition of the environment. In this respect, they appear to be something like rent-operated or for rent-to-own economies. It is also worth noting that the term economy has been used since the time of Ancient Greece, when the term economy was used to define the taxation system of that era.

Business Lessons From Economics

A business is a legal entity in which individuals work together to produce and sale goods or services to customers. In a normal business, individuals either hire other individuals to work for them or buy the goods and services themselves. The owner of the business is the individual who hires workers for particular work.


A firm is a legal business in which a firm owns certain property. A firm usually employs more workers and produces a higher amount of total revenue than a normal business. When a firm expands, a new firm would be a new business.

A business produces and sells a product or service that earns a profit. The profits are not distributed automatically to all the stakeholders although they are earned by the firm as a result of their efforts. A business with less revenue would receive less profits. A firm works towards increasing profits through the use of key terms, such as cost-cutting, better sales, expansion, etc., and through the implementation of cost-saving measures that will increase overall profits. a social one. Firms should consider the values and beliefs of their stakeholders when determining whether or not they should add value or make improvements to their businesses.

The Importance of Environment


The Importance of Environment

When we use the words environment, it can mean many different things to a number of people, and is even used in different ways within the same topic. Environmental science basically encompasses the study of how the environment affects everything in it. The environment has been described as the world in which we live, breathe, work, and live our everyday lives. The natural environment or biological environment encompasses all living things and non living things occurring naturally, which means without artificial interventions. The word is most commonly used on the Earth or parts of the Earth.

There are many different types of environments and they are all associated with natural processes, such as biogeochemical cycles, chemical cycles, and physical processes. There are several theories and research on how the environment varies, for example, climate change, the absorption of CO2 by the oceans, and climatic changes. Climatic change refers to the gradual changes in the earths temperature, which can lead to ice melting, drought, flooding, super storm, and other severe weather conditions. One of the biggest environmental issues of our time is global warming. The issue has been debated between scientists for many years, and there is still disagreement about what causes it, although most agree that it is caused by human activity.

The physical environment is made up of the earths surface, atmosphere, and the organic material in the soil and in space. The earths atmosphere is continually in a state of chemical cycles, where there are continually replenished. This creates an environment where there is always something new to learn, and new living organisms are constantly being produced. The earths surface, being very flat, allows for hydrostatic pressure to build up under the earths surface, which is what heats up the ocean and melts the ice. All living organisms in the ecosystem need a living medium to reproduce and thrive, and if they don’t have that medium they cannot survive.

The World of Economics

In economic terms, an economy is a place of the exchange, production and distribution of goods and services, by various producers and other agents. In laymen’s terms, it is defined as ‘a community of persons, associations, organizations and political units based on the norms of community production and consumption.’ The production of wealth is not only the product of human labour but also of machines and other technological developments. Economists define a stable economy as ‘a market economy in which goods and services are produced and exchanged according to the physical needs and desires of the individuals.’


In the narrowest sense, economics refers to the science of how people, firms or households allocate scarce resources to satisfy their competing wants. More precisely, economics uses concepts like opportunity cost of capital to analyse the allocation of scarce resources across various economic positions and institutions. Economics has long been a field interested in the widest range of human action, affecting all aspects of life from investment choices to international trade. This discipline has been greatly influenced by the work of such giants as Nobel Prize winner Sir Alfred Nobel, who is responsible for the great aim of establishing the institution of a national bank. Economics is the study of how people, individually or collectively, make decisions about how to allocate scarce resources so as to meet their needs and compete successfully for position in the marketplace.

Today, economics is one of the most important fields of research because, literally, everyone has an opinion on how to organise society. Even in the simplest societies around the world, people have a stake in how their societies operate, what governments do, what industries should develop and how much money the public spends. All over the world, people living in wealthy countries spend much more on the basics of life than those living in poor countries, despite the fact that there is much more money available to them. This has led to serious problems like inequality of wealth, poverty and hunger. Economics offers many solutions for these issues and it holds the key to the future of economies.

Business Basics – What is a Business?


Business Basics – What is a Business?

A business is defined as any entity or person organized for the purpose of earning profit. Businesses may be for-profit or non-for-profit organizations which conduct to meet a social cause or further a personal charitable purpose. In either case, business activities must be conducted on a day-to-day basis and results must be regularly monitored. Business may also be concerned with manufacturing, trading, processing, distributing, holding auctions, franchising, leasing, and marketing. Basically, any activity performed by any of these entities to earn revenue qualifies as a business.

The term “corporation” is most commonly associated with businesses. However, there are many types of privately owned businesses, partnerships, and organizations which are considered to be corporations. All these types of businesses have one thing in common; they are registered at the country level with the government office. This registration is necessary in order to provide the required licensing and permits to carry out their respective activities, which is required for all businesses. All corporations are limited in the power to bind their assets and in the authority to create double entry book keeping, corporate naming rights, limited liability, and advertising privileges.

Limited liability means that the owners of the corporation are individually liable for the debts of the corporation. All the powers that the owners can exercise are limited to the extent of the power delegated to them by the articles of incorporation. There are various types of corporations, each with differing degrees of liability and accountability. The most common forms of corporations are limited liability partnerships (LLPs), limited liability company (LLC), and corporation. Each of these has its own advantages and disadvantages and should be studied carefully prior to choosing the most suitable form of business entity for you. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need help regarding the selection of the perfect business entity for you.

What is the Environment?


What is the Environment?

The environment refers to the entire living and non living things existing on or around a planet. The word is most commonly used to describe the Earth or parts of the Earth. It covers everything that exists on or near the surface of the earth including air, water, land, ice, rocks, trees and ice caps, oceans and lakes, and vegetation. This describes the entire natural world and how everything on it is related to one another. The environment plays a very important role in human society since people need all the living things on earth for survival.

For a long time, the environment included only the earth with all other solar systems and other celestial bodies like stars and galaxies. With the discovery of the planet Planets, comets and meteorites, the environment has now included not only the earth but the moon, planets outside the earth, stars, and other heavenly bodies as well. On the other hand, since the modern era, the environment has also included humans as major contributors to environmental pollution.

Basically, the environment is a term used to describe the entire living and nonliving world on earth. A human being is an essential part of the environment. Therefore, the way humans live their lives directly affects the environment. The use of non-renewable resources such as petroleum, coal, wood, gas, and other solid wastes pollutes the atmosphere. Thus, people have to be aware of the importance of caring for the environment by avoiding all non-renewable resources.

What Is The Economy?

The term economy has various meanings and can be used in a number of different ways. For instance, an economy is any place where all agents involved in producing, distributing, and harvesting the resources use the same system to do so. An economy is also a set of interacting individuals who use the same system to reach a common goal. Economists, political scientists, and other interested parties all use the term economy to describe the ways in which economic activity links people, places, and bodies.


Many people think of economics in the broad sense of the field of study that includes such fields as law, accountancy, business, health care, and so on. But economics also has a very detailed narrow scope, often referred to as microeconomics. Microeconomics is about the decision-making process that leads up to the economic activity of individuals. In short, microeconomics is the field of study that examines the interactions between individuals in society. Most economic thinkers, including mainstream economists, would define economics in this way.

Economics distinguishes between the good and bad, the urgent and the convenient. The former are called goods in this light, while those that are not goods are called non-goods. The distribution of scarce resources, for instance, is the focus of economics. The distribution of wealth, including salaries, wealth produced by employment, profits and wealth owned by individuals, is the topic of economics. Finally, economic growth is the objective of economics, since such a goal would require individuals and institutions to make decisions that maximize their own welfare.

The Different Types of Corporation Formation


The Different Types of Corporation Formation

A business is defined as any type of entity that performs a specific activity to bring about an income. The activities performed by businesses may be physical, including production and sales of tangible assets or non-tangible assets, such as accounts information or intellectual property. Activities may also be non-physical, such as production, advertising, distribution, and management of financial assets. In order to perform any of these activities, businesses require capital, equipment, and employees. Capital is the amount needed to finance the activities of a business, while equipment and employees are needed to perform those activities.

A corporation is simply a separate entity from its owners, which allows it to have different types of tax status and liability compared to other businesses. Most corporations file their income taxes with the Internal Revenue Service using a Schedule C, which lists types of eligible income and deductions. Corporations may also elect to be a public company in order to enjoy more tax benefits. However, unlike a sole proprietorship or partnership, a corporation must have shareholders and must meet certain requirements, such as having a minimum paid-in-capital and a majority of shares of ownership held by shareholders. Private companies are generally not required to meet many of the reporting requirements of corporations, although they can benefit from many tax write-offs. An important feature of a corporation is that it may be organized in a variety of different ways, which allows many businesses to be incorporated in various countries.

For profit businesses, all profits are considered taxable income by the Internal Revenue Service. In order to have its income treated as a profit, a corporation must have constant employment and production and sales of products or services. Many large corporations use pass-through entities to allow their profits to be taxed as salary or self-employment income instead of taxable income. Pass-through entities do not incur payroll taxes when the employee receives money from the corporation and then immediately deducts the amount from the employee’s paycheck.

Environment – The Web of Interacting Species

The natural environment covers all living things and non-living objects occurring naturally, which means that in this case not synthetic materials are used in their production. The term is also frequently applied to various regions or the Earth. For example, the phrase ‘land’, as used in Australia, New Zealand and Canada, refers to the surface of the earth or any part of it, while ‘waters’ is used in the United States, the phrase referring to bodies of water such as oceans, rivers and lakes. The term ‘air’ refers to gases or vapor, or the atmosphere, while ‘land’ refers to a specific location on the ground.

Natural environments encompass all forms of living organisms, including plants, fungi, bacteria and even humans. The environment has the power to regulate the rate of evaporation, precipitation, temperatures, and atmospheric constituents such as humidity, density, wind, ultraviolet radiation, earthquakes and even ticks. It is said that everything is connected, therefore the natural environment is important for the survival of all living organisms. Since all living things need food, the food chain needs to be healthy for all. The quality of the environment also affects the quality of the living organisms that exist in it, thus there is a great need for the natural environment.

Many people think that if the environment is good then the living organisms are healthy and will survive, however this cannot be further from the truth. No matter how clean and perfect the environment may be, the environment is complex and the delicate balance required by the living organisms cannot be easily obtained. The environment influences all aspects of an organism from its size, shape, position, form of symmetry, shape, growth, movement and population. Thus, in order to describe the environment, it is termed as a biological system. It is the combination of all interacting organisms that work together to reproduce, grow, survive and die. Every living organism is part of the environment and therefore the environment is a web of interacting species.

What Is The Economy?

An economy is a physical place of production, distribution and exchange, and the interaction of different agents producing and exchanging goods and services. In economic theory, it is defined as a social field of the exchange, production and consumption of various goods and services, with minimal interaction. It is also called the productive frontier, since it refers to the frontier line separating countries with different economic policies. In modern economic theory, the term economy is used to refer to the entire field of economic activity as well as the processes that drive it.


The scope of an economy is vast, since it can be classified according to its degree of complexity and number of products. A simple economy is characterized by generalized reciprocity between producers and consumers, where exchange and production have no limits. A complex economy has a more intricate network of interacting economic agents, producing, distributing and trading goods and services on a long-term basis. Complex economies are characterized by a bargaining system for the allocation of scarce resources, creating value through production and distributing goods and services over a wide geographical area.

A very important concept of economy is the concept of money. Money, unlike goods and services, can be produced, processed, bought and sold at the will of the market, without any need for a physical bank. Money is the primary medium of exchange in a complex economy, with all other factors acting as stimulants on the process. The process of money production is called production; the process of money distribution, called circulation, is called a transaction.

Main Article of the Corporate Law

A business is defined by the US Congress as an entity or individual engaged in commercial, administrative, or marketing activities for other than personal gain. Most businesses are for-profit enterprises or non-profitable organizations that perform to meet a social cause or further a non-business purpose. In most developed countries there are multiple types of business. In India there are approximately 200 million small and large scale businesses.


Many businesses are classified under government enterprises and corporations. A government enterprise is a company organized as a public company under the state law. A public company is an international body managed by boards of directors appointed by the government. The purpose of these companies is to operate for the benefit of the public. Not all businesses are classified as either corporations or public businesses; many businesses are only privately owned entities.

The main article of the corporate law states that a corporation is a legal body organized for the benefit of its stockholders. Every member of a corporation has equal legal rights. The main article of the commercial law states that a partnership is a partnership that subsists for the benefit of all the members of the partnership. A limited liability partnership is a business structure that involves two or more entities rather than one. Private Companies and Private Individuals can engage in trade on the internet, in real life or on a virtual platform.

Some Different Desires of Nature

Environment refers to a variety of things that have an influence on the way we live in the present period, either by influencing us to behave or act in a certain way or affect our environment in a negative or positive way. There is a broad range of environments and one will generally need to think about the type of environment needed. The environment could be environmental impact in the scientific community often termed as the natural environment, which is the entire Earth system including air, land, oceans, ice, subsidence, groundwater and climate. The natural environment is generally considered to encompass all living and non living things existing naturally, which means that not artificially.


The term is also frequently applied to a specific region or part of the Earth, often within a geological region such as an ecosystem, biosphere, hydrostatic environment, or political environment. Within ecosystems there are systems which are defined by ecosystems with varying levels of organization, function, connectivity, and connectivity. In other words it can be said to cover a range of different ecosystems, which in turn provide a habitat for a wide range of different types of organisms and their respective habitats.

An important aspect of the environment is how well it has been maintained, which may require intervention from time to time in order for it to continue to maintain what it needs for a long time to come. The maintenance may take the form of scientific interventions, such as research, monitoring and research, or it could take the form of economic activities such as regulating markets, regulating production and consumption, and controlling pollution. Sometimes the need for scientific intervention is for obtaining a better understanding of the real composition of the environment so that the effects it produces on living organisms can be altered. For example, if some part of the environment is overpopulated by some type of unhygienic organism, it would be necessary to find a way to alter the conditions so that the organism can no longer survive and so that the overall quality of the environment is improved.

What is Microeconomics?


What is Microeconomics?

An economy is a particular area of human production, consumption and distribution, as well as the interactions and relations of different agents involved in the process. In economic terms, it is defined ‘as an ensemble of practices, discourses, beliefs and practices that maximize the productivity of human beings through the allocation of productive assets’. Economists and other experts in the field consider an economy to be a system in which production, consumption and distribution take place in a market, with all of these processes taking place under controlled conditions. An economy is said to be a market economy when the prices of the products of production are determined by demand and supply factors, without the intervention of any central agency or force. Prices in an economy are usually determined by the circumstances prevailing at a specific time.

The basic definition of economics is that ‘the study of how people and their actions affect the process of production, consumption and distribution’. In simple economic language, the study of economics can be said to be the study of how different goods and services are produced, allocated and traded in a market economy. In a market economy, the products are produced in various markets. The distribution of these goods and services, both domestic and international, occurs in a market. There are four basic kinds of economies: the capital-constrained economy, the endogenously self-equipotent economy, the problem-solving economy and the inclusive society-based economy.

A good example of a macroeconomic term is’Gross Domestic Product’, which is a commonly used term in economics that summarizes the value of all product output. A macro-economic concept is a much broader concept that also includes the macroeconomic indicators that are needed to monitor the performance of economies. The concepts and principles of macroeconomics include macropricies, interest rates, public spending, balance of payments and structural balance.

What Is An Environment?

A person’s environment is not only the physical surroundings but also the emotional and social factor of a person. The environment of a person can be broadly divided into five categories, which are the physical environment, social environment, human environment, biological environment and technological environment. The human environment includes the physical body, mind and emotions of a person. The other categories of environment include the social environment, human culture, physical sciences, information and communication systems, economic and political systems. The environmental factors that exist are usually considered as forces that act on or against a person.


A non-living object or non-living thing is anything that does not require being alive to be affected by it or by its natural environment. Non-living objects are the concepts and residues left by living things such as plants, fungi, microorganisms, cells, animals and humans. The non-living things include the non-natural environment, the ionic potentials and the abiotic conditions. The non-living environment includes the nonliving structures and surfaces of the planets and stars.

The living environment is the entire physical and chemical makeup of the planet that includes all living and non-living things present in the same system. The living environment is the sole source of life on earth and is a very complex system. The living environment also includes the ecosystems, the biogeochemical cycles, the radiation processes, and the physical sciences. The living environment requires adequate resources for the maintenance of its stability and serves as an interface with the outside environment. The external environment of the earth includes the atmosphere, the space weather, the ionosphere, and the extragalactic ocean.

What Is the Green Economy?


What Is the Green Economy?

The term ‘economy’ is used broadly to cover a number of economic activities and concepts. At its most basic, it means the exchange of goods, services, capital goods and financial resources for the purpose of maintaining a particular level of productive efficiency. In simple terms, an economy is a set of interactions, which include production, allocation of productive resources, consumption, investment, disposal and prices. In general, it’s defined as ‘a socio-economic domain that define the practices, goods, services, capital goods and financial resources used by various agents in the production, allocation and utilization of goods and services’.

A simple economy is the exchange of goods, services, capital goods and financial resources between households, producers and providers on the basis of market exchanges that take place within the marketplace. It is often compared with the theory of the demand-able goods, where production potential is determined by the current inputs available to the producers of those goods and services. The differences between this theory and the simple economy is that the market prices of the goods and services are not determined by the needs and requirements of the consumers, but are the result of the activities of large and small businesses that determine their relative prices. The theory of the demandable good, on the other hand, assumes that the production and inputs of goods and services are inputs into the production process of other firms, allowing the consumers of these goods and services to determine their relative needs. The simple economy, on the other hand, assumes that market prices are determined by the supply and demand of the goods and services at a particular date.

The green economy aims to increase the efficiency of economic activities through the use of natural resources. It is a form of economy that has evolved out of the practices of a conventional economy. It aims to regulate the production and allocation of natural resources, using various economic strategies. Unlike the traditional economy, the green economy attempts to improve the efficiency of economic production through the use of a knowledge-based economy.

Four Key Takeaways Key Points About Business Learning Objectives

A business can be defined as any type of enterprise or organisation that engages in commercial, industrial, or service activities for profit. In simple terms, business activities are conducted with the intent of earning a profit. Business enterprises can either be for-profit organisations or non-profitable non-profits that work to fulfil a social need or further a particular social cause. However, business owners must also ensure that the activities of their companies contribute positively to society at large.


Learning objectives The aim of this document is to provide businesses with four learning objectives to help them develop a strategic learning program to achieve their long term goals and the future economic value added of their businesses. These learning objectives are: to build sustainable competitive advantage, enhance internal management competencies, build value from externalities, and improve our environment. These learning objectives are not only designed to guide individual businesses on achieving their learning objectives but also to provide a broader context for business decision makers to understand the important role of the private and public sectors in shaping our economic future. This will have significant implications for the way government provides economic policy support.

Strategic Management Learning Objectives Key Takeaways: To be successful, businesses need to engage in strategic management in which they develop and implement a set of strategies to achieve certain business objectives. These strategies are used to achieve certain levels of return. These strategies can often be implemented by using various forms of investment. They can also be implemented by involving key people from various parts of the business and putting them together in a corporate team to achieve collective goals. These corporate teams can then create and manage a series of strategies to achieve different levels of returns for the businesses.

Main Article: Business


Main Article: Business

The Business is the single most important aspect of any country’s economy. A business is generally defined as a commercial entity or organization engaged in business activities aimed at developing and maintaining the economic well-being of society. Companies may be either for-profit or non-profitable entities that work to meet a social purpose or further a worthy social cause. Although not every person, organization, institution, business, government, etc., are engaged in business activities, many of the major economic activities in the country today, like the manufacture of consumer goods, energy products, etc., derive their roots from various types of business activities.

All businesses are said to be conducted for profit. However, corporations are not always businesses that engage in trade, produce commodities, etc., but rather are legally organized as legal corporations. This structure was put into place by the US Congress as a way of ensuring that profits would be channeled back to shareholders rather than being used to finance other ventures. Today, only the largest corporations can legally form corporations because they can show proof of personal assets exceeding the total value of all shares or, in the case of stock ownership, securities issued on behalf of the corporation.

Although profits are the main aspect of all businesses, they do not always produce the best results. Capital is one aspect of any business that has both positive and negative effects. Banks are often used as a source of banks-liabilities, including commercial ones, in which loans are made for investments and which pay interest and dividends to owners or creditors. In short, the most common form of financing businesses use to finance their businesses are loans and debits.

What Is The Natural Environment?


What Is The Natural Environment?

The natural environment is the one which surrounds us. It is the sum total of all life that exists on earth and the non-living things that exist in the atmosphere. In this sense the natural environment means all living and non living things existing naturally, which means in this case of artificial neither artificially nor man made. The word is often used to describe the surface or a particular region of the earth. For instance the ocean’s depths, or the forest canopy in tropical countries, or the desert in other countries, are all part of the natural environment.

The primary aim of the natural environment is to ensure that biodiversity and the quality of the ecosystem are maintained in balance so that the functioning of ecosystems as a whole is not damaged. For this reason conservation and sustainable use of the natural resources are essential. There are numerous areas where natural resources are being depleted at an alarming rate, with many of them in conflict with one another. These include the vast forests in countries such as Brazil, Indonesia and Malaysia, the huge seas filled with raw sewage, the coral reefs and the air above them all.

Many environmental policies are aimed at improving the environmental impacts of human activities. These include preventing damage caused by land and surface-based activities, including activities such as deforestation, clearing of land for agricultural or other purposes, mining, and transportation. While these activities can have a valuable resourceful effect on maintaining the natural state of the ecosystems, they are known to have serious consequences on the living organisms that depend on them for their survival. The extinction of species has become a very common phenomenon, especially in the last century and is one of the biggest challenges for mankind. The aim therefore is to ensure that the ecosystems do not lose their diversity, or the ones that have been affected are brought back to their natural conditions through sustainable use and restoration of the environment.