An Overview of the Environment


An Overview of the Environment

The environment refers to the entire natural world or all living things existing naturally, which means in this context not synthetic. The term is usually used to describe the Earth or any specific geographic region or part of the Earth. It also covers the living planet such as human beings, other animals, plants and even in some way, fungi and bacteria.

For the purposes of this discussion, the term “envisage” is used to mean to take a view of, imagine or contemplate an area where living organisms are present. This includes all the planets in our solar system as well as those that have been discovered to be potentially habitable by human beings. Thus the environment refers to the entire space around the sun, including the atmospheres of stars and other gas giants and all bodies in the solar system. The term can also be used to refer to the physical laws that govern the evolution of living organisms in particular systems.

It is a complex field. The word “environmental” literally means “of or relating to the environment”. It is a field that combines knowledge from many disciplines, including art, science, engineering, philosophy, sociology, psychology, anthropology and literature. Its scope is constantly expanding because new environmental issues arise on a regular basis, whether in human affairs, economics or geology. Because it deals with the interactions between living organisms on earth as well as between people and their environments, environmental science is the most important subject for humanities and social sciences students. Studies in environmental science typically form the basis for courses in humanities and social science, especially those that provide information about the current environmental issues.