The Environment – What is it?


The Environment – What is it?

The environment is a term used to describe the entire universe and the living things that exist within it. The environment is made up of all the living things on Earth as well as non living things such as space dust, cosmic dust, gases, atomic particles, solar radiation and other related things. The environment is a very broad term that can encompass many different things including human activities and also the forces of nature. The environment is important to the people who live in it, the animals that live in it, and the plants and algae that exist in it.

The environment is made up of all the different living things on Earth as well as non living things like space dust, cosmic dust, gases, atomic particles, solar radiation and other related things. The term is usually best used in conjunction with ecosystems, which are the living systems that co-exist within an ecosystem. The ecosystem is where the different species of the environment interact to maintain the stability of the environment. Within an ecosystem the ecosystem is considered to be a living system in itself, whereas the biotic community refers to those organisms that co-exist within an ecosystem. There are two types of organisms that can be considered to be part of the biotic community and these are the abiotic factors and the autotrophic factors.

Abiotic factors are those things that are necessary for the existence of living organisms and they include air, land and water. They are necessary for the survival of all the living organisms and they include bacteria, fungi, single-celled algae and protozoa. They are also necessary for the development and growth of all the plants and they include photosynthetic organisms, oxygenators, nitrifiers, fertilizers and the like. On the other hand, the autotrophic factors are those things that are necessary for the existence of non living organisms in the environment including creatures such as bacteria, stars, plants, rocks, and the like.