The Importance of Environment


The Importance of Environment

When we use the words environment, it can mean many different things to a number of people, and is even used in different ways within the same topic. Environmental science basically encompasses the study of how the environment affects everything in it. The environment has been described as the world in which we live, breathe, work, and live our everyday lives. The natural environment or biological environment encompasses all living things and non living things occurring naturally, which means without artificial interventions. The word is most commonly used on the Earth or parts of the Earth.

There are many different types of environments and they are all associated with natural processes, such as biogeochemical cycles, chemical cycles, and physical processes. There are several theories and research on how the environment varies, for example, climate change, the absorption of CO2 by the oceans, and climatic changes. Climatic change refers to the gradual changes in the earths temperature, which can lead to ice melting, drought, flooding, super storm, and other severe weather conditions. One of the biggest environmental issues of our time is global warming. The issue has been debated between scientists for many years, and there is still disagreement about what causes it, although most agree that it is caused by human activity.

The physical environment is made up of the earths surface, atmosphere, and the organic material in the soil and in space. The earths atmosphere is continually in a state of chemical cycles, where there are continually replenished. This creates an environment where there is always something new to learn, and new living organisms are constantly being produced. The earths surface, being very flat, allows for hydrostatic pressure to build up under the earths surface, which is what heats up the ocean and melts the ice. All living organisms in the ecosystem need a living medium to reproduce and thrive, and if they don’t have that medium they cannot survive.