What Does the Natural Environment Mean?

The environment is the sum of all the things existing simultaneously and uniquely in that the universe created it and then went about arranging its parts so as to allow them to exist in their current state. In a very broad sense, the environment could also be said to be the entire life on Earth, which means all living things. The natural environment encompasses all living things and non-life things occurring naturally, which means in this case non-artificial. The word is most commonly applied to the Earth itself or some specific parts of the Earth. It is also frequently used to describe the processes, materials, processes, and/or substances that are occurring in nature. It can also be used to describe the forces that move around the Earth.


In order for us to better understand what the natural environment means, it would help to take a look at what the word “natural” itself means. It refers to those living things existing in the absence of any kinds of external stimuli that modify their physical properties such as temperature, density, composition, and so on. It does not refer to those living things that exist in a completely enclosed or self-enclosed world, such as a bubble, rock, or a ship. It does not even refer to those organic compounds which are produced by living things in their environment; these are called biotic materials. It is these living things, which are the focus of the natural environment.

There are two types of factors that are recognized as being part of the biotic environment: external factors and internal factors. External factors refer to those that modify or interact with the environment. External factors could include celestial bodies, radiation, wind, rain, snow, clouds, etc. An example of an internal factor is the chemical energy which is released from living cells.